Kansas City Food Hub

Overland Park, Kansas


Founded by the farmers who own, run and supply it. The Kansas City Food Hub was founded in 2016 by a group of small farmers who envisioned a local food system that allowed farmers to move their product into restaurants, schools, homes and more. They not only wanted to feed their communities but uphold their beliefs of sustainable farming for themselves and the next generations.

In addition to integrating local food into the Kansas City Metro Supply Chain, The Kansas City Food Hub focuses on…

Stewardship of the land and its resources
Mentoring of young and emerging farmers
Honest wages for honest work
Collaboration toward food sovereignty
Cooperative production planning, marketing and purchasing of resources
Our small and medium-sized farmers are improving the economic viability of sustainable local agriculture by coordinating year-round production, by supporting emerging growers, by aggregating the distribution of product, and by bringing farmers and buyers together in a community that benefits all.





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