Hello! My name is Danielle and I along with my husband and two young daughters care for Beefalo, turkeys, chickens, cats, dogs, and a few rescue horses on Brockett Farm. I grew up on this small family farm and my ancestors lived in the same house on this same acreage back to the early 1800s. Our ancestors cared for this land in many of the ways we do now. We are passionate about leaving the Earth better than we found it and practice regenerative agriculture. We practice rotational grazing of our cattle and turkeys. It is labor intensive but benefits the soil and animals in multiple ways.
Our cattle are grass fed and finished. They graze the pastures all summer long and in the winter eat hay. We have been raising Beefalo since 2012 and still have our very first cow roaming the pastures today! We have multiple generations of animals - up to 5 generations so far! We're really proud of our cattle and can tell you everything about them since they are bred, born, and raised right here. We care deeply about the quality of life the animals live and work with a cattle veterinarian, poultry veterinarian, crop consultant, and other specialists as necessary to ensure that we are providing the very best. None of the steers that enter our beef program have ever been treated with antibiotics. We are also Beef Quality Assurance certified.
Our heritage turkeys free range (they can fly!) and our broad breasted turkeys are rotationally pastured. If you follow us on social media, you will see the benefits the turkeys have done to the soil and pastures as we rotate them! They live the most natural life foraging bugs and seeds and are supplemented non-GMO locally raised grains. I love sharing about our heritage turkeys because they are so unique and are the birds our ancestors would have enjoyed versus the broad breasted turkeys of today that have been selectively bred for many years to grow really big really fast.
Thank you for following us on this journey and supporting us. We appreciate every single share, message, review, comment, purchase. My husband and I both work full time while keeping the farm dream alive so every ounce of support means the world to us! #brockettfarm
2 Endorsements
October 21st, 2021 person_outline Amy Dvorak
October 12th, 2021 person_outline Roger Thomas